Hi, I'm Ola

I make information systems accessible for people through design-thinking


Sample of work in SEO, UX and Notion


As a multi-disciplinary problem-solver, I leverage design-thinking to create user-friendly and people-first digital experiences.I also teach others about topics that I'm exploring and passionate about.Now:
- Consulting for UX, SEO and Notion.
- Building digital products (finishing SEO Growth Kit 2.0 & a stealth project).
- Speaking on the intersection between UX & SEO.
- Notion ambassador & templates creator.
- User Researcher/Product(Moz).
- SEO Subject matter expert(Moz).
- Whiteboard Friday presenter(Moz).
- MozCon 2021 & 2022 host.
- Onboarding Specialist(Moz).
- Podcast Co-host(Foreign Gems).
- CX Led(HeyOrca).
- Founder/CEO(Sweeft App).
- Dj, music producer & event promoter.

AS Seen On

Clickable links of some of my public appearances


Question on consulting, public-speaking or other enquiries?
Please reach out via these channels: